Hello readers, friends and relatives! I can’t believe I now have my own website and blog. Who wouldathunkit? I’m so very excited to share this beautiful website created by Jennifer Hicks Money of Franklin, Tennessee with everyone. Jennifer can be reached on my contact me page – just send her a note through the comments section.
As you may know from reading my bio, I started writing after I lost my day job as a paralegal. I had dreamed of writing romance as far back as high school when we all devoured the bodice ripper romances like potato chips! Remember Fabio on those covers?
When I lost my job in 2010 I started temping in Miami, Florida and taking the express bus to downtown from Fort Lauderdale – a real ordeal. My daughter bought me a Kindle for my birthday in 2011 to ease the trip, and I was amazed by what was out there in ebooks. Who knew? I downloaded a couple of the free erotic books and loved them. So I read many, many more.
How do you learn this skill? There is no Naughty Books 101 course at the local college. I read so many I thought my eyes would bleed. How far do they go? What words do they use? How do they advance the plot? I learned a great deal from my favorite writers in the genre and would like to thank them all for the education. I decided that if I could write legal documents for thirty years, I could write naughty romance novels. So, I did.
I wrote my first book in seven teen days
(Calleigh’s Collar which was the shortest) and immediately started a second one (Kelly’s Challenge). In the meantime I had my friends and family read the first one to see what they thought. They loved it (after a few raised eyebrows and “where did this come from” questions) so I started to compile a list of publishers of that type of material. As it turned out, the list was unnecessary as my first two stories were accepted by the publisher of my favorite authors, Siren Publishing, within three weeks. My first book was published in January of 2012. I was ecstatic.
I am sure you did not know that strange howling noise you heard was me getting the email accepting my manuscripts for publication. You may have noticed the strange sound again when I got my first cover for Calleigh’s Collar!
It’s been an amazing journey of excitement and learning. The Siren editors have been great and another wonderful source of education. I had no idea what Point of View or Head Hopping was – even after it was carefully explained! Finally, I learned to write for those points to avoid the huge editing changes. The editors were encouraging and patient, and we got through those first few manuscripts. I also had a lot of help from my friend, Pat Walker, who was my original beta reader and editor. And now I have thirty published books out there in the universe and am working on number thirty-one. There are currently five Male/female and one Male/male series. The excitement continues, and I hope you will all join me on this continuing adventure.
Please click over and check out my site… www.skyemichaelsbooks.com
If you have any questions or would just like to say, “Hi” ~ send me a message through this contact form:
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